1. 5 Reasons Martial Arts Classes Make a Great Gift For the Holidays

    Now that the Thanksgiving turkey has been eaten (including the leftovers), the rest of the holiday season is here bring with it a number of gift-giving holidays. If you’re one of the Black Friday shoppers, you might have been done by 3:00 pm on Friday and spent the weekend after wrapping presents. You’re done with shopping! But if you’re like most people, you’ll be searching for gifts up u…Read More

  2. Lesser-Known Benefits of Taking a Martial Arts Class

    In our most recent blog we discussed some of the ways that joining a martial arts class will affect your body. First and foremost, we discussed the fact that martial arts offer a full-body workout that you simply don’t get from most other sports. Then we went on to mention that such a workout almost always leads to weight loss...unless you replace that fat with muscle, because muscle weighs more…Read More

  3. How Muay Thai Fighting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Affects Your Body

    While Muay Thai Kickboxing and BJJ might be known more as forms of self-defense for many people, they can also be explored as a sport. After all, there’s training, coaching, practicing, and competitions. And like most sports, martial arts training can actually help your body out in many ways, and the more you participate, your better you’ll get better at the martial art itself. Let’s take a …Read More

  4. A Few More Reasons Why Weaponless Martial Arts Training Is Superior

    In our most recent blog we talked about why weaponless martial arts is so important. While there are certainly some martial arts that focus on weapons, more often than not it just makes sense to be able to fight with your legs and feet rather than with a weapon. As we detailed last time, you can’t drop your martial art as you can a knife or gun, and no one can confiscate it from you at the airpo…Read More

  5. Why Weaponless Training Is The Best Martial Arts Training

    In our previous blog we discussed some of the reasons that most martial arts training doesn’t include the use of weapons. And while we acknowledged that some military martial arts do incorporate the use of weapons, most of those are about harming someone in order to disable them or even kill them. So, let's reel it in a bit. Let’s talk about why, in the modern world of self-defense, not having…Read More

  6. How Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Have Warped The Idea of Martial Arts Training

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Sure, they’re ninjas, and over the course of six movies, comics, more than one TV show, and hundreds of action figures, they have portrayed a very...unique idea of what martial arts are. Did you know that you can tell them apart by the color of their masks? Yeah, we didn’t either. It wasn’t even always a possibility, as the TMNT started out in black and white co…Read More

  7. Diving Into Our Martial Arts Fitness Training

    Here at SubForce, we realize that not everyone is tournament-bound when it comes to our Muay Thai or BJJ classes. Some people are simply in our classes in order to get more limber, increase their heart rate, and have that time every week where they could let off steam. That’s why we created Hybrid Fitness, a class that combines all of the workout aspects of our martial arts classes with addition…Read More

  8. Taking a Look At Some More Customer Reviews

    Okay, we hope you don’t mind if we do a little bragging, but we have a pretty amazing rating on Google. Take a look right here, because as of this writing we have a perfect 5 out of 5 stars on Google reviews with 35 reviews (and a 4.9 out of 5 on Facebook with 64 votes). With reviews like that, it’s obvious we’re doing something right. But you have to ask yourself, what exactly is that somet…Read More

  9. The Benefits of Starting Kids Off In Martial Arts Early

    In just a little over a month (September 9) we’re going to start our new kids’ martial arts classes for three-year-olds. At first you might think that three is a little young to start with martial arts. But trust us, it’s not. In fact, getting kids started early is one of the best ways to ensure that they absorb some skills that might benefit them later in life. Here are a few of the reasons…Read More

  10. How Do You Pick The Right Martial Art For You?

      While you can’t trust Wikipedia for all of your information, there are some times when it provides you with a great jumping off point to deliver just what you’re looking for. For instance, if you wanted a list of just about every martial art that exists or has ever existed, they have a pretty comprehensive list. There are literally hundreds of martial arts on the list, even though the avera…Read More