1. The Equipment Required For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes

    Many martial arts require lots of practice and tournament equipment...glove, guards, punching dummies, helmets, and so much more. But when it comes to Brazilian jiu jitsu classes, you’re in luck! BJJ has a very low barrier-to-entry when it comes to equipment. Gi: This isn’t ancient wrestling, so you’re going to need some dedicated clothes! A “gi,” also known as a keikogi, is the uniform …Read More

  2. Why You’ll Love Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes

      When it comes to exercise, the most important rule is “do something you love.” Because if you find yourself dreading exercise every day, eventually you’ll simply stop doing it. That’s why we offer a two-week trial before you even have to pay a dime. We want to bring you in and show you how much fun our Brazilian jiu jitsu classes can be. Why are we so sure that you’ll enjoy it? In…Read More

  3. Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Martial Arts Training Shapes Your Body

      There are thousands of ways to get exercise, and every one seems to suggest that it’s the best at “toning your body” or “losing weight.” But how many of them are fun? And how many of them make you look forward to working out every week? Brazilian jiu jitsu is a great way to enjoy exercise, all the while learning self defense and feeling better about yourself. But how exactly is it…Read More

  4. 3 Ways Our MMA, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes Work For Both Kids And Adults

      While the title of this article is “3 Ways Our MMA, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes Work For Both Kids And Adults,” it might as well be “Adults Want To Have Fun Like Kids Do.” Martial arts can be serious business...it’s a multi-billion dollar industry and people have devoted their entire lives to it. And there’s not doubt that we take our martials arts training seriou…Read More

  5. Should Your Kid Take Our Mixed Martial Arts Or Jiu Jitsu Classes?

    Here At Dragon Spirit Martial Arts, we have classes for kids and adults, and we break the kids out by age. Makes sense, right? But how do you decide which of our kids martial arts classes is right for your child? Well, we’d love to meet you and your child and help you decide. But here are a few thoughts on what to expect from the different classes we offer. Jiu Jitsu classes: Jiu jitsu classes a…Read More

  6. Would We Describe Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes As Playful?

      We’re finally discovering, after decades of research on learning, that kids don’t just play because they’re avoiding work. Whenever kids play, they’re actively learning. By playing, they’re exercising not only their bodies but their minds as well. So, what does that have to do with our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes, and how can they help you no matter what your age. Forming mind / b…Read More

  7. The Types Of Injuries You Might Experience In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes

      You might not expect us to write about any negatives when it comes to our Brazilian jiu jitsu classes. But it is a physical activity, and every physical activity has the possibility of causing some discomfort. Run too much and you might get a sore calf, lift too much and you might throw out your back. So we thought we might give you a head’s up on a few of the minor problems associated wi…Read More

  8. Interested In Mixed Martial Arts? Start With A Strong Foundation In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai Training

    Because mixed martial arts is, as the name suggests, a mix of various disciplines, it’s not always a place to start. Before an adult jumps straight into mixed martial arts it might be a good idea to get the basics of another sport under your (black) belt first. So how do the disciplines we offer at our studio...Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai...help with mixed martial arts training? After all,…Read More

  9. A Brief History Of Mixed Martial Arts

      Because the name “mixed martial arts” doesn't necessarily have a tradition associated with it, it can be difficult to say exactly what is and what isn’t a “mixed” martial art. So while the timeline isn’t always connected, here are some highlights from sport and fighting techniques that could be considered mixed martial arts. Pankration: Pankration was an event introduced into th…Read More

  10. Martial Arts Weight Training: How Our Martial Arts Fitness Classes Will It Help You In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

    We’ve said it time and again: Brazilian jiu-jitsu is about the ability of someone who is smaller and not as strong to be able to overpower someone who is larger and stronger. That’s the basic tenet of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and its predecessor, jiu-jitsu. But does strength play any part in determining who will win in the sport of Brazilian jiu-jitsu?? Strength does play a part: Imagine you have t…Read More